Monday, November 14, 2022

Car brand and lapse in memory…

At my age it’s not infrequent that I’m looking for name, sometime so familiar, that I should absolutely remember. One day, as we were discussing automobiles, I was explaining the breadth of the Volkswagen empire to my wife in spite of my limited knowledge of the car behemoth. 

I cited VW of course, Audi, Porsche, SEAT in Spain and the brand from Czecoslovakia which name I couldn’t remember (that brand isn’t sold in the US). I tried hard all afternoon to remember it - without cheating with Google - to no avail. 

The following day, that frustrated mental search messed up my entire morning meditation, then I feel asleep, and at some point briefly and miraculously remembered it again, just to lose it for good as I fell back to sleep and woke up later… 

Now totally mad at me, I queried my vocal assistant that responded “Skoda!” But adding Škoda Auto, made me discover that the VW group was more motr than these five automobile brands.

I didn’t remember or ignored that there were also Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Ducati motorbikes plus both Man and Scania (trucks and buses). Quite an impressive selection that I would have ignored if I had not forgotten “Škoda”.  

Thanks, failing memory of mine!

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