Wednesday, November 23, 2022

More thoughts on COP27

The last climate junket in Egypt got hijacked and distracted by countries asking for reparations they may never received. Look at it as a Band-aid addressing the damage, but ignoring the cause. Instead, no strong measures have been taken to slow down CO2 emissions and global warming. 

Everything will get worse and eventually make the planet inhabitable by humans. The elephant in the room was Big Oil, Gas and Coal, the culprit, and the the countries looking for compensation went after governments instead; don’t ask my why. 

What should have been done was simple and capable to satisfying everyone: Levy a global carbon tax that would have hit the biggest fossil fuel users, namely the developed nations, including China and India, as we know them. 

Then, that carbon tax would have been redistributed based on needs and to specifically repair or prevent climate-relate projects by countries affected by global warming. 

This would have had an immediate effect to accelerate a pull away from fossil energies, probably cause a severe global recession as less demand for fossil fuels might paradoxically have raised their cost per unit as producers might lose needed revenues. 

This would get us progressively waned from fossil fuels at the expense of a harsh global recession. The end result is that we’d lessen global warming but the injured parties, the plaintiff’s nations, would get much less than what they had hoped for. 

No matter how we look at it, there will be an incredibly high price to pay to get us out of the jam Big Oil got us into when they were well aware of the damage they’d cause the planet. 

It’s always the same story: “Pay a lot now or even much more later”, and sitting on one’s hands usually, as the entire world is currently doing, means we’ll have to face the latter of the two options.

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