Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Putin’s “assisted suicide”?

Since today is “All Souls Days” for observing Catholics, it’s still time for some discussing another serious, if not dark, subject. The Ukrainian stalemate is showing that we’re headed for a long and indefinite fight between the entire country of Ukraine and one single strong man, Putin (not the entire Russian Federation). 

Therein lies the problem and also a most expeditious solution. In invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin not only set in motion a war of total destruction without any good and defensible reasons. He rightfully angered an entire nation that is not likely to get him off the hook for anything he did, including the take-over of the eastern part of the country and Crimea. 

Putin will never be ready to accept defeat or surrender these territories and will try everything in his power to save face and everything possibly means doing the unthinkable by using Russia’s nuclear arsenal. 

So faced with that, what is the West and the Ukrainians to do? The answer is frighteningly simple: Eliminate Putin. 

This might sound drastic, but the more the world waits, the more Russian soldiers will die, still more Ukrainian soldiers and civilians will suffer the same fate, not to mention all those who will die of starvation because of Russian frozen grain export. 

These thousands of potential casualties stand in the balance against one stubborn man. What should the West and Ukrainian fearing: Some Russian hard-liners standing ready to take Putin’s place? 

I really don’t think so. Putin is creating his own destruction and as he remains the main obstacle to peace, this might justify the gamble...

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