Saturday, November 19, 2022

“You can be anything you want to be…”

Is this true that we can be anything we want? Partially, perhaps, but there’s no guarantee. 

Each human endeavors calls fro specific talents, skills and affinities that are not necessarily given to everyone, so there might be some material and intellectual limitations to the type of individual one would like to become in the course of their lifetime.

The affirmation might be true in many cases, but certainly not universally. Yet, it’s one of these popular myths that populate the American folk culture. 

You wanna be a fireman, an astronaut or an explorer? That’s probably feasible. Now is the Pope, Pablo Picasso or the Dalai-Lama on one’s crystal bowl? 

Any of these choices might get trickier, and along the same lines we could cover other careers or destinies that are so narrow that their probability might get much slimmer. 

Just like the fabled American Dream, becoming whatever we dream we want to be comes with a few caveats. Enough for me to just dreaming that I’m the real me and that’s already plenty!

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