Wednesday, February 22, 2023

My dreams and my reality

We all have dreams and we all have a reality to contend with. As a result, there’s often a disconnect between our dreams and our reality, and often the former runs a step ahead in overall quality over the latter. I believe that happens with most people, but what do I know? 

This said, I must confess that for as long as I can remember and that runs at least a couple of decades (the double couple of decades before are, I must admit, is a total blur as my overstuffed memory can handle so much), a tiny number of my dreams have been pleasant, all the rest that made some impression on me were depressing, scary and amounted always to a lot of unpleasant work. 

Something most reasonable people would call nightmares. Perhaps is it due to the fact that bad dreams woke me up, while good ones let me sleep like a baby? That’s a fair possibility. 

At any rate, that observation leads me to say that if to most people their dreams are better than their reality, my dreaming condition runs exactly the opposite: My daily reality is way better than my dreams, I love it and I sincerely hope this status will remain the same for as long as I live. 

That, we’ll see!

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