Monday, June 24, 2024

An exceptional octogenarian…

We recently saw the Rolling Stones 2024 Concert that took place at the Mile-High Stadium in Denver, filled with more than 80,000 screaming fans. While the music sounded okay, the spectacle was clearly centered on Mick Jagger, who is going to turn 81 on July 26, and whose energy is that of a 30 year old. 

He manages to transfer that enormous energy contagiously to an audience that ends up dancing and singing together with the group. I wouldn’t be surprised that during the concert’s 2 hours, Mike covers 5 to 7 miles running, walking, jumping and dancing. 

The concert began with “Start me up” and ended with “Satisfaction” (watch the video). Emulated by their lead singer, Keith Richard (80) and Ronny Wood (77) are still hanging in there pretty well. How can Mick do it at his age? He doesn’t sit on his butt. Instead, he follows an intensive workout regime more in line with that of an Olympic caliber athlete, by working out three hours a day, six days a week. 

I then compare him to Joe Biden, our dear President, who is just 6 month older and realize there’s a huge physical and cognitive difference between the two men that are virtually the same age. That’s when I tell myself, if our health is decent and we are not ill, we have a duty to fight old age and remain filled with vitality until our very last breath. 

Mick Jagger is admirable, and should serve us all as a North Star when it comes to resisting old age. Let him not remain an exception; we can all do much better! 

1 comment:

Mike Moran said...

"I then compare him to Joe Biden, our dear President, who is just 6 month older and realize there’s a huge physical and cognitive difference between the two men that are virtually the same age."

I can't tell on what basis you are impugning Biden's cognitive state, especially with no basis for comparing to Mick Jagger's cognitive state. Yes, Biden is a pretty old 80 when it comes to getting around, but FDR proved that's immaterial to the performance of his duties in office. A more relevant comparison will be evident Thursday the 27th if Trump shows up to the debate, whether or not he talks about electric boat shark attacks and imaginary dishwashers that aren't allowed to run without water.

Robert Hur- unqualified to make any professional assessment at all- mischaracterized his own assessment of Biden's cognitive state as impaired in his Special Counsel report.

From CNN: "Particularly jarring, was that at another point during the depositions, Hur actually went out of his way to praise Biden’s memory. “You have — appear to have a photographic understanding and, and recall of the house,” Hur told Biden, referencing the president’s Wilmington home."