Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A sure way to beat Trump

Following the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump, I had suggested Joe Biden’s replacement by better candidates, and even brought up a Gavin Newsom- Liz Cheney ticket. Right, Gavin Newsom for president and Liz Cheney as VP!

While unexpected and to a degree, a bit shocking, this is an iconoclastic, imaginative and out-of-the-box pair that could pave the way to assuage the concerns of registered Republicans and Independents reluctant to vote for Donald Trump, but left with no one they’d feel comfortable giving their vote to. 

This would be the perfect hybrid ticket, Democrat-Republican, capable not just represent a practical commingling of all the American opinions at the executive level, but also constitute a terrific opportunity to bring together a splintered America and usher an era of constructive dialog, political compromise and active governance for the good of the People.

This would be a welcome alternative to the constant bickering that has been our political environment and reality since the tea party gained power in Congress. Should I also mention that both of them are young, smart, command respect, know how to speak in complete sentences and would stand as a stark contrast to the two grumpy old men we are been forced to choose from. 

Both would have wide entries in the two traditional American parties, would generate a supercharged energy and be and intelligent alternative to Trump and would be the catalyst for a new United States as it gets ready for its 250th birthday! http://go-11.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-horror-show-aka-first-debate.html

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