Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Trump and Biden’s presidential crutches

Following his halting, senile performance at the debate, Joe Biden was able to deliver an energetic speech in North Carolina the following day, so his political supporter said “See, the man is good, he can do it, not only that rousing speech at his last State of the Union…” 

Well, these people, including Obama and Pelosi, were either dishonest or not very smart, because they conveniently forgot the key difference between that botched debate and these official speeches. What made all the difference was a device called the teleprompter! These tools were invented in the late 40s and President Eisenhower was the first to use one in the 50s. Obama liked the device so much that he got addicted to it.

For those unfamiliar with that marvel, also called auto-cue, it consists of two or three scrolling screens that prompt a speaker with displaying an electronic text when a speech is given on TV. This enables someone to look straight at the camera lens while reading a script, creating the illusion that the speaker has memorized a speech, or is speaking extemporaneously, while looking the viewer straight in the eyes. 

All major political speeches are written in advance, sometimes by the speaker, but mostly by speech writers when it comes to Biden or Trump. Speakers who can deliver a brilliant speech “off the cuff” are a tiny exception, and teleprompters work best for people who struggle with memorization and are nervous when they must address the public, just like Biden or Trump are. 

It just takes some training but even a stupid person can make a decent impression by using one, as long as the speaker can read well enough. So now, you have it, four years after his last debate with Trump, Biden always used a teleprompter. Several days before the debate, he trained intensely, most likely with cue notes right before his eyes, but in the presence and with the support of his team. 

Without prepared notes, our hapless President found himself woefully stuck, trapped like a deer caught in headlights, as he tried to struggled to string sentences on his own without the assistance of his two screens. He went into a kind of panic attack, a meltdown and was totally ineffective. With his usual swagger, self assurance, lies and big mouth Trump delivered his trademark gobbledygook and got away with it.

Too much reliance on technology can torpedo a debate, a campaign and a political career!

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