Saturday, July 27, 2024

The “HumDog” implants

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been much maligned lately, but I can’t prevent myself from thinking of all the good things that are being concocted in many a scientific lab, and since we live in Park City in a world dominated by dogs and their masters who venerate them like Indian adore their cows, I had a revelation about an invention that could be a game changer. 

To be concise, it would consist of a communication tool between canine and human appropriately called HumDog as in “human” and “dog”, that would consist of two modules implanted into the brain or the animal and that of the person and could communicate together, if not in a coherent and known language, but at the very least interact through electronic neurological impulses, in which a command from the master or a request from the pooch would translate into a conversation in which there would never be any misunderstanding.

From the training of the animal to everyday life, the owner would only have to think “sit”, “stand” or “heel” and the dog would execute. He could also ask questions, like “Molly, are you ready for a car ride?”. Likewise, the animal could also tell his master if he feels unwell, want to go for a walk, a pee or a poo. 

At the end of the pet’s life, the owner would keep the transceiver in their brain, just get a new one for the new doc… What a concept, talk about a true revolution and full clarity in communication between animals and humans!

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