Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Donald Trump’s transition to Don Corleone

In recent days, including during his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention, it seems to me that Donald Trump is sounding more and more like Don Corleone, of the Godfather’s fame, especially when he remind us of the divine intervention that saved his life the other day and how that was “an attack on democracy”.

This is quite fitting as the man seems to be finding his real “niche” in society. In fact, Donald Trump is the head of a pretty sinister family in the same way that Marlon Brando’s Vito Corleone was the head of his clan. Vito was a gangster, a self-made man who pulled himself out of poverty through crime and made himself and his family rich and quite powerful in the process. 

Trump doesn’t claim to be a gangster but loves to picture himself forward as a self-made billionaire and the greatest deal-maker, while in the process conveniently forgetting to admit that his wealth was inherited from his dad). So, it’s only right that the Donald now adopts the tone of voice of the legendary gangster. It couldn’t be more fitting!

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