Sunday, July 14, 2024

Another National Celebration…

Just 47 years ago, we switched countries and, in the process, gained July 4th, a new National Celebration but lost Bastille Day that served us well for most of the years before. 

For about two decades, from the time I was a little kid and my parents opened up their restaurant at Les Lindarets, in the French Alps, July 14th, was work, work work, and we just hoped was that the weather would hold so we could capitalize on other folks’ day off and make a good income on that special day. 

True, in addition to these working days, I also missed two of these French Holidays when I was working in Australia, but I didn’t even notice it, as my mind was too busy doing things I enjoyed. 

These days, all the way in America, we never ignore this special day and even if we don’t fly the French flag in front of our house, it’s felt somewhere, deep in our hearts to a faint sound of “La Marseillaise”, the French national anthem… 

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