Tuesday, July 2, 2024


A few days ago, I finished reading “Knife”, a book by Salman Rushdie, even though I wasn’t able to push any further than page 15 on his “Satanic Verses” that I had found extremely difficult to get into and left me puzzled as to why Ayatollah Khamenei even decided to get its author killed for it. 

So it took my wife to convince me to read the story of what happened on that morning of August 12, 2022, when Salman Rushdie, standing onstage at the Chautauqua Institution, in upstate New York to give a lecture on writers’ safety. was attacked by a lunatic wielding a knife and stabbing him 14 times, almost died and lost his right eye in the process. 

In that book, he explains the aggression and its traumatic aftermath, but most important he explained the way he channeled the event without resentment, but just indifference and contempt for his assailant. 

My take-away from that reading is that I better be careful about what I write about as there seem to be a high cost for shocking idea! In conclusion though, a good book, written in its own style that I enjoyed, this time.

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