Saturday, July 13, 2024

Another test for Biden...

On the heels of the NATO summit, Biden had another chance to prove he was fit to run for a 2nd term, but did not quite convince me. 

After mixing up Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin in public remarks as the meeting was ending, President Joe Biden continued by mixing up his own vice president, Kamala Harris, with Donald Trump at this high-stakes news conference as his campaign is on the line. 

He clearly has problems with words and names, and if he still impressed some with his comments on foreign policy, they were made in a slow, rambling and unexciting manner as he carefully recited what he could remember. 

When asked why he was running again after inferring, his first time around that he was there just for the transition, he answered he couldn’t quit because no one else could do a better job than he would, in my view just misplaced and reckless enough arrogance to disqualify him. I’d give him a 4 out of 10, when a 9 should be the acceptable minimum and a 10 more comforting grade for the top political job in the world. 

Sadly, he is ill-equipped to run our country for four more years and even less to contain and beat Trump. I hope our political leaders are smart enough to engineer a replacement plan while the Republican Party is having its convention next week, leaving its fascist members wondering when the next shoe will drop from the Democrats and how bad it will upset Trump’s plans...


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