Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Quentin Chauplannaz 1986-2024

Quentin was the son of my friends François and Christine Chauplannaz, from Morzine, France. I spent five seasons working as a ski instructor alongside Francois, and even though I didn’t know his son Quentin that well, I had met him several times when I visited his parents during our short stays in the French Alps. 

He was a young man overflowing with vitality, kindness and enthusiasm. Quentin was married to Marlène and together they had two daughters, Ambre 6, and Garance 4. On the morning of Monday, July 8, Quentin was killed when the old, restored Jeep he was driving went off a mountain road. No one knows exactly what happened. 

Was it a mechanical problem with the 80 years old vehicle, did he lose consciousness or was he distracted by something he saw, his phone or some other thing? No one seems to know and no one may ever know the cause of this violent accident. 

What is certain is the tragedy it is bringing to his two young daughters, spouse and parents. Our deepest condolences to everyone in this heartbroken family.

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