Friday, July 26, 2024

The Games no one wants

What’s ironical is that on July 24, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) awarded the 2030 and 2034 Games to the French Alps and Salt Lake City in the absence of other candidate. 

This was a departure from years past when there always was a serious, competitive bidding process with multiple candidates. The IOC alleges that in the face of criticism for the high costs associated with hosting the Olympics, it needed to streamline the bidding process and make it less expensive for potential host cities, hence the "targeted dialogue" approach. 

The French Alps for 2030 and Salt Lake City for 2034, saved the day and the IOC’s face for now, but the Swiss based organization has now a major problem of convincing future candidates of the value of Winter Olympic Games. 

So, here we go again! Salt Lake and Park City will be impacted by the major disruptions the Olympics will bring to our towns. I was never in favor of this “encore”, but since it was inevitable, I hope our Federal Government (read all the US taxpayers) will pay for some badly improved transportation infrastructure into and inside Park City. 

That the least our politicians can do to mitigate this major inconvenience.

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