Friday, May 10, 2019

Justifying a second-home?

We’re enjoying fully our visit to San Diego, and yet can’t justify a rationale for buying a second home in this little paradise.

Then the next logical question is: Why not? Well, we’ve been through that process before. It begun back in the days when we still had a home in France while we also owned one in the United States.

Having a second home far away from the primary residence is always very difficult to manage well and it also ties you to that place, to the point that it’s hard to go anywhere else.

Then, I also worked for a long while in the second-home property management business to realize that while second-home were with very few exception an emotional (thus irrational) purchase, they soon became a significant financial burden from taxes, utilities, maintenance, household items and furniture, common area charges, not to mention the never-ending list nasty surprises that pepper the life of any normal homeowner regardless whether the place is used as a primary or a secondary residence.

I’ve long believed that hotels or rental apartments weren’t created for nothing and served a real good purpose in the lives of traveler or vacationers. This buys me change, flexibility, freedom and guilt-free choice when it comes to picking any of my future getaways.

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