Monday, May 13, 2019

Mother's Day's scattered dates

This past Sunday was Mother’s Day in America as it was in Switzerland, but France will celebrate it two weekend later.

According to what I've read on the subject, Mother’s Day has a long and complex history dating back to the Ancient Greeks and Romans who worshiped their Mother Goddesses during spring, while the name and holiday was created by Napoleon in the 1800’s.

Here, in the United States and Canada, Mother’s Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday in May and we're a huge majority (I counted 77 countries, the vast majority) celebrating just like us, and then you have a scatter of countries that can't do anything but stray from the norm.

I'm thinking of Argentina, that waits till October to honor its mothers. That's a bit late, amigos. Why can't you talk it over, make the right decision, regroup and do it as we do!

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