Sunday, May 5, 2019

What to do with so little time?

As we age, the time we've got left shrinks accordingly. So the question soon becomes, “How do we make the best use of it?”

The obvious answer is: “What do we (still) want to do?” But, right there resides the difficulty as wants as well as needs are generally dwindling as older folks are moving from growing or building, into a survival mode.

Based on these changing realities, the challenge becomes to identify what's still important enough to us to accomplish in the diminishing amount of time we have left, and what is going to leave us with the most satisfaction when we get to the end of our respective paths.

In it, there have to be elements we're passionate about, useful, answering questions, giving us happiness, peace of mind and bringing us memorable experiences.
A myriad of options within a little fragment of time that keeps on shriveling!

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