Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The angst of traveling...

I used to travel a lot and loved every moment of it. Since I retired and suddenly quit traveling on a regular basis, I’ve progressively lost the craving for packing my bags and hitting the road.

In fact, I don’t look forward to it and when I have to leave home, it now creates enough apprehension in me to make me uncomfortable and almost reluctant to go on a trip.

Little details like booking a Lyft or Uber ride, new airline security or check-in protocol bug me and show me how opposed I’ve become to change. These days, change is not just a small part of our day-to-day life; it’s become the elephant in the room, invasive and overwhelming like never before as it seems to want to follow the pace of technology and leave aging guys like me in the dust.

True, I sincerely feel overtaken by our world in perpetual re-invention and once I finally decide to get going, I welcome a trip now and then, to let me appreciate that I should never allow change to make me to throw the towel.

Thank you travel for shaking me up!

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