Thursday, May 16, 2019

Ready to make sacrifices?

When you add it all up, climate change, political gridlock, chronic government deficits, national debt, automation, stagnating salaries, income inequality and overpopulation to name just a few of the world's worst problems outside of armed conflicts, the list is overwhelming and the task at hand seems impossible to tackle.

The big thing is that resolving all of these issues demands sacrifices and that no one is willing to make them, unless of course there's some form of coercion that forces us to cut into our own comfort.

Further, when any measure is imposed upon us, not only they're never welcome, but they often are of the “too little, too late” kind, simply because government leaders don't have the gumption to administer strong medicine to their flock.
This, in my view, places humanity on a collision course with both itself and the planet. Call it an implosion if you prefer, knowing that our specie will lose while the planet will survive.

This may sound like dystopia, but I don't see much way out of this sneaky world crisis without more overt government actions forcing these changes upon their populations.

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