Monday, May 27, 2019

Why aren't more Mormons driving Teslas?

As we do every Sunday, we walked by the Park City Mormon Church yesterday, and for once, I looked at the cars parked there.

They were fewer than usual, since it was Memorial Day weekend and the weather had been so bad that many of the faithful had decided to drive south in search for sun.
In looking at the cars parked, I could only see one Tesla S, two Porsche Panamera, Several Cayennes and a few Range Rover.

Still Tesla is an all-America car, so why this lack of patriotism? The reasons for so few Mormon being fans of Tesla might be that, as a group, they don't believe that being “green” is good and that global warming isn't going to do us in.

Of course, Mormons have already too many weird things to believe in, that they're not more room left for subscribing to an even weirder thing like climate change. Let's cut them some slack and wait till the Quorum of Twelve Apostles begin to boil inside their Salt Lake building and have a revelation!

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