After a chaotic legislative process that gave birth to the stimulus package president Obama will sign today into law, one has to wonder about our Congress ability to legislate meaningfully. On the one hand, you find the Democrat majority that seems to lack assertiveness and fresh ideas and on the other, there are the “obstructionist” Republicans stuck on old and losing ideologies that have even less imagination than the majority. In conclusion, our congress is only good at one thing: Raise tons of money to get and stay in office, period. So what are we to do as a Nation? Don’t despair; they are plenty of smart Americans who could and should contribute to moving that country in the right direction. The reason I say that is because I’m an avid follower of readers’ comments found following most thought-provoking press articles. The vast majority of them are right on the money about most issues and many of them are just outstanding. Their ideas are based on sound common-sense, not political B.S.! So what do we do with that? We set up a suggestion box for the use of the Obama Administration. We organize it by categories, make it highly interactive, have the president appoint a task-force to sift through them, select the very best and push them through Congress!
More on that later; just stay tuned…
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