Early afternoon, yesterday, Evelyne and I decided to go skiing. The weather was sunny and mild and it felt more like an April day than the end of February.
We boarded the gondola at The Canyons and found ourselves in the company of charming, forty-something lady. We immediately stroke up a conversation and, as always, made her “earn” the place we were coming from. As she seemed nice to us, we helped her lot and she finally found out we were French. After some more small talk in which we learned she hailed from Charlotte, North Carolina, she asked us what “we french” thought of Barack Obama.

Needless to say that she didn’t sound like a fan of our new president and through her sunglasses I could see two GOP elephants staring at me with their pachyderm tiny eyes… We said that he was doing a fine job and a much better one at that than his do-no-good predecessor. She corrected us by saying that Obama was a bit “too negative” and that he should have favored more tax-cuts. I responded that tax-cuts were the only word republicans had on their mouth, that the Reagan legacy was dead and that we were now faced with a change of tectonic magnitude. Her mouth dropped, the gondola stopped, we had arrived…
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