Monday, March 15, 2010

“Friends” and family members who don't respond to emails...

Email can be a wonderful way to communicate, share feelings, ideas and a host of things, from photos to videos, audio and other important documents. It seems basic to me that an email calls for a response; a simple acknowledgment, a thank you, a short note or comment. Sure, I'm not talking about these “chain letter” emails which object it is to pass on cheesy jokes, power presentations of all kinds, political harangue or visuals that are often in very dubious taste to a list of folks. I'm talking about a message sent from and to people who know and value each others, that are deliberately targeted, respectful, kind, and personal, and would normally beg for at least a nod or perhaps a response, no matter how short.

When we're greeted in the street we respond as polite individuals, when we're on the phone with someone we know, and end the conversation, we generally say goodbye and thank you. The email is the vehicle that seems to let a vast number of individuals get away with being very rude and to me, that shines a terrible reflection on them. It's so easy to type a few words and just press “send!”

1 comment:

William Bocq said...

Ok, Ok, please accept my most humble apologies. I am embarrassed and yet a little flattered to have been singled out in such a renaissance blog.
Won't happen again, I promise.