Saturday, March 20, 2010

The good night sleep

In the past, every time I was asked “did you sleep well last night?” I thought about it as a useless question. Of course, I slept well; unless I'd be sick, injured or under abominable stress, all my nights were non-stop sleep. Over the past three or four years, that apparently unimaginative question has begun to gain a fuller meaning and now I understand that – for me at least – a good night sleep is more the exception than the rule. I now long for the uninterrupted nights that I used to enjoy in my youth and I've even come to think that when I'm supposed to be in bed, it's become a time of the day that often means “hard work” (here, I might be exaggerating a bit!) So when this past night I slept so well, I thought I had arrived in heaven.

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