Saturday, March 27, 2010

Two-speed decision making

Some of us know what we want and where we need to go. Because of that, we're used to move decisively and, in turn, expect quick moves and swift decisions from others, but whenever it takes “two to tango” as it does most of the time, if the partner is indecisive, doesn't know, is afraid or is just slow, bringing a deal to fruition can take a long time. We approach tax season and tons of folks absolutely must wait until the last minute – or better yet ask for an extension to fill out their tax return, because they've trained themselves to procrastinate. This brings us to a concept of a two-speed world, in which a small group always knows, remembers and acts accordingly, and the rest is slow, paralyzed or just never knows “when” it's time to act. I bet you that if you drew a parallel between these two groups and their rate of success in life or their rate of self-realization, the two are pretty much in synch!


Anonymous said...

I was interested to read your comment on the two speed world in decision making. Well as it happens I am currently writing a book called "Two Speed World" which looks at change and how we cope or fail to cope with (we often employ the wrong tools to cope with the particular mode of change)
Take a look at

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.