Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Planning for my old days...

This past Sunday, Mary Josephine Ray, a sports-loving card-player and the oldest person living in the United States, died at the ripe age of 114.
This made me think a lot, and here is what I came up with: Until the time she reached her mid nineties, she was - I assume - keeping very busy by tracking of all the people she knew dying around her. Shortly after that, she found herself with very little to do, but playing cards, as was reported. If I were to live that long, I would handle things differently. After reaching my 95th birthday, I'd call my agent and review our current contract.

First there would be a book titled “How I got to be 100” that slated for release 48 to 60 months down the road, along with radio, TV and webcast appearances. Then, there would be a hefty, ten-year contract with a bunch of sponsors ranging from reading devices, hip, knee and ankle replacement companies, anti-wrinkle creams, hair implant manufacturers, vitamin supplements and sexual device engineering groups. I've figured that if I do my research well, I should, in today's dollars, net something between $50 and 85 million after my agent's commission. I haven't decided yet what I'll do with all that money, but I first need to locate a brand new, very young agent, one that is still in law school!

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