Saturday, March 6, 2010

Practical steps to avoiding crisis

Crises happen all the time and are part of normal life. Recurring crisis are more annoying though, because they obviously show that we didn't learn from a previous, similar one. So today I'll try to place a few building blocks in place and soon will revisit the issue, to hopefully come up with practical steps we can apply in the future. These pesky situations, called crises, assume that we often end up right in the middle of them and that we watch all the nefarious ingredient stepping on to the scene, all the bad energy growing and all danger signs blinking in all places, but we're so passionate and enthralled by the excitement of the moment that we fail to observe that a storm is brewing.

So step number one would be to always be very aware of our surroundings and pay super attention to the way they may change. The next one would only be to pick the battles that are worth it, are winnable or which outcome, whatever it may be, won't cause huge discomfort in the aftermath. Yeah, calculating, paying attention are always good steps to take. Finally, one few more words of wisdom: Be ready to look like a fool. We are who we are and who cares if – once in while – someone we know and appreciate thinks a tiny bit less of us...

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