Thursday, October 28, 2010

Obama and me

There's no question that President Obama has been getting an unfair rap thanks to the Republican malevolent propaganda machine, but there's also a undeniable reality that genuine kindness, impressive education, hard work and a remarkable intelligence aren't always able to trump basic good common sense, strong gut feelings, mean assertiveness and experience. These latter pieces have been woefully missing in our leader and it now shows.
From the get go, I've a been a staunch supporter of Barack Obama and still remains, but I now realize that, he too, had his failings and wasn't able to read or anticipate all the pitfalls that were thrown in his way. I sincerely hope the results of this mid-term election aren't as bad as the media make them and also that Mr. Obama will be able to hang on for a second term. By that time, he will have learned an awful lot and be finally well rounded for the good of the United States that, at this moment, will still be in dire need for all the good leadership it can get.

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