Sunday, October 17, 2010

The prayer thing...

I used to pray; that's right, not a lot, but quite regularly. That was some thirty years ago and while it wasn't exactly a religious prayer, it's been really rewarding to me. It was a short series of daily affirmations that I would recite twice a day; early in the morning and then at night just before falling asleep. Did it work for me? Absolutely! How come? It was a bit like programming a GPS; I'd put my destination in and would keep on repeating the itinerary needed to get me where I wanted to go.

I'd do it over and over again and my stated goals would gradually manifest itself in the form of some real achievement. Why did I quit doing it? Probably I foolishly thought that "I had arrived," but I should have known that in life there is no finish line; okay, there's one but it should come as late as possible. Should I revisit the prayer practice? Most definitely; I just need first to think over what my future destinations will be before I build some good itineraries. Exciting, isn't it?

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