Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Is patience dead?

When is the pandemic over?
When is the lock-down going to be loosen?
When is life, as we used to know it, going to resume?

These are questions, that, if not expressed explicitly, are on everyone’s top of mind. These days, being patient has become so hard that we can’t imagine a life where patience is even necessary.

With 24/7 updated information, fast internet and no patience for unanswered question, the quandary we’re in at the moment is choking our lives and has become totally unacceptable.

Yet, the reality is that answers are missing or aren’t forthcoming, the light at the end of the tunnel is still in our mind’s eye, but nowhere yet to be seen in our reality, and we need to relearn the lost art of patience.

One hour at a time, one day at a time, one month at a time and perhaps even more than just that...

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