Saturday, April 4, 2020

Will humanity learn from Covid-19?

When the dust settles, what will the vast majority of human beings who lived through and survived the crisis ever remember?

Will it be a return to business as usual, within developed nations that will mean returning into unbridled consumerism at the expense of a more frugal, grounded and more sustainable living?

Probably, if the economic bite is not severe enough and if governments keep “kicking the can down the road” in order to save themselves.

People who read, think critically and resist being manipulated by social media, TV and other fake-news outlets, only speak among themselves – a minority – and while they advocate for what’s right, they’re simply preaching to the choir, not beyond it.

To get the rest of the population to respond and reject the business model that is forced upon them, the economy is the only factor that can change individual behaviors.

Loss of jobs, reduction of income and economic collapse are the unwelcome catastrophes that may wake-up the “sheep”, finally transform the way the world behaves, make a majority of individuals see the incompetence of their leaders and the intrusion of big-government into their lives and privacy.

It may also open their eye as to the importance of planetary solidarity, an inescapable reality that runs against the demagoguery and nationalism, preached by the Trump, Putin and Orbán, of the world.

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