Monday, April 27, 2020

Our complex society gets more complicated…

The current pandemic is inspiring a trove of interesting articles that are exposing the societal problems we’re facing and to quote an upcoming article of the monthly magazine The Atlantic, “We Are Living in a failed State, the coronavirus didn’t break America. It revealed what was already broken”, our culture seems no longer able to cope with its own complexity.

This actually was missing in the above-mentioned article, but we have evolved from a rather simple society with dual, heterosexual parent families, cars without seat belt or airbags, free-range kids, radio, TV and print media only, into a society that it infinitely diverse and much more complicated, with countless options, versions and styles and a variety that has become impossible to fully manage and satisfy.

At the same time our form of governments and our political organization haven’t changed sufficiently to handle that momentous transformation and we still expect that they’ll still work to cater to that mind-boggling system and solves its infinite problems. It simply won’t. We have reached a point in which society has to literally shed its old skin and re-invent itself from top to bottom, while our minds are still working the old fashion way for a reality that no longer exists.

In particular, the sacrosanct American Constitution must be totally reviewed to take into account of the changes that have taken place over the past 100 years and must become a document capable of evolving with our society and its culture.

No wonder why we are terribly frustrated and still much less so today than we will be tomorrow. They are to many cogs and wheels into our modern life and sand seems to be the only lubricant left inside…

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