Sunday, April 19, 2020

Where’s my soul? (continued)

Towards the end of January, I went on a limb when I said that mind and soul were the “same and unique thing”.

That was not quite what I wanted to express. Today, in reviewing my assertion, I’d say that if the mind is really part of us, the soul belongs to the Universe and a limited number of people are able to get to it.

Sure, we can get some through intuition, ESP and our collective unconscious that we share with the rest of our fellow humans.

When we’re very young we still could catch that invaluable material, but as soon we got “educated” and formatted by society it soon vaporized, not to be found again. To retrieve it later, it takes special self-examination and training like mysticism, contemplation, meditation and mindfulness.

What we then recapture is, in my view, is nothing but the “Soul” religious folks are talking about. Just like the software that resides in today’s “Cloud”, our soul is a collective source that radiates from the Universe for whoever ask for it.

We simply need to pursue what’s required to tap into that rich source of knowledge, wisdom and comfort.

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