Thursday, April 16, 2020

Waiting for the paint or glue to dry…

Re-opening a country in the aftermath or Covid-19 will essentially be a test on patience, just like waiting for paint or glue to dry.

We generally have a very hard time waiting before we want to apply another coat, touch the paint or use that broken porcelain handle that was just glued.

Generally, we are so gung-ho to move on, that the work we’ve just done ends up being destroyed in a flash. The same can easily happen if we get out of the corona-virus lock-down way too early.
There’s a tight limit and there’s a good limit. In aerospace construction, there are redundancies and margins of safety; without them, airplanes would fall off the sky all the time.

The same holds true for announcing an end to the pandemic restriction: There must be a sound margin of safety and the process must be staggered. In addition, we need to check the best practices from those countries that did a much better job than the United States and the large European countries that have had a chaotic experience dealing with the virus...

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