Monday, December 20, 2021

Death of a pair of ski boots

A month or so ago, I was making a big deal out of my old pair of Nordica that served me so well and for so long. 

Well, that longevity came to a very sad end, when I tore the worn-out fabric of my liner, just above the heel pocket on the left boot, making the pair unusable. That’s right, even the best things come to an end, and I should have known better! 

So, on Saturday, instead of going skiing, I drove down to Salt Lake City to get an heir to the throne, so to speak, in the form of its successor model the Nordica Sportmachine 100. The foot fits me just the same, is much easier to get in and out of and, soon, 

I’ll let you know how it performs when I have a few days of good skiing on them...

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