Thursday, September 15, 2022

A surprise meeting

My close-to-next door neighbor asked me a few days ago if I was interesting in attending a meeting about our ballooning real estate taxes. 

Even though I know that there was no way we could hope that our county would lower the rate of the taxes it announced, I reluctantly acquiesced. We got in the city’s library 250 seat auditorium and were lucky if we were 30 attendants at that meeting. 

Unbeknownst to me, it was organized by the Republican Party who wanted to “make hay” out of the dissatisfaction caused by higher taxes. Not only was the presentation chaotic and ill-informed, they made us start by praying to God (no my thing) and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. 

After my third suggestion to my (Republican) neighbor to leave, as I felt the presentation was a wast of my time, I successfully dragged him out of that stupid meeting. I felt very good about it (probably because of the prayer)!

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