Monday, September 12, 2022

Has California changed for the better?

After all these years, California, like the rest of the planet has evolved and evidently not for the better. 

Overcrowding in metro areas plays a big part in that, as well as its aging infrastructure, older homes, buildings, high taxes and disillusioned Californian.

Traffic is awful, everything is expensive and the weather is getting worse (hotter). Would I ever live there if I could? Absolutely not, even though its natural beauty in areas that are protected is still as stunning as ever. 

It also seems to me that after its boom years, California is tired, out of resources and motivation to keep reinventing and sprucing itself up. 

It’s becoming moldy, stogy and can’t hold a candle to some regions like Colorado, Utah or Idaho that are young, dynamic, that can only go up and continue (for a while) in there growth pattern…

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