Wednesday, September 7, 2022

When buying a ski pass made me smile!

As time goes on, things keep on changing, and among many things, I remember when I was excited to get a ski season pass in September, date at which they were available at the greatest discount possible. These days are long gone!

Today, I do not like the ski resort company I have to ski on. Sure, we’re blessed to have two competing ski resorts in Park City, with one bearing that name and Deer Valley. Skiing the later has become prohibitive, it would cost me $1,995 to get a discounted Senior Pass while Park City Mountain is just $859. 

I prefer the ski in Park City, even though the company is despicable, but that’s where the compromise get in the mix and turn what to use my big seasonal smile into a permanent frown (until I’m back on skis, of course)...

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