Sunday, September 25, 2022

Mysterious symptoms

A few days ago, we got our 4th Covid-Omicron booster shot. I wanted to have it along with my flu shot, but my doctor said that one immunization at a time was plenty and I shouldn’t do both. So I followed his advice and limited myself to the Covid booster shot.

At the same time we were busy doing our “spring clean-up” around the house, so at the end of the day I remarked to my wife that my muscles and bones were sore and attributed that to the chores we had been involved with that day, even though I had worked significantly less than the previous days. 

Then she corrected me and said, “It’s you Covid shot!” She was right, I had totally forgotten about it and all of my previous shots were followed by a few unpleasant days were I felt flu symptoms all over my body. 

As the evening progressed, my condition got much worse, to the point that, when I went to bed I felt like a real zombie. I was totally exhausted and about to pass out. I slept well though, but the next morning, I wasn’t totally myself yet and it took most of that day to regain a semblance of energy. 

I’m not anti-vax, but still my body and the Covid vaccines don’t seem to get along well. I only can hope that next year it will get packaged together with the flu shot!

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