Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The gift of human communication

I see communication as the greatest gift that was given to us, humans, and this is the reason I value it so much and try to use it positively and constructively as much as I can. 

Some go as far as preaching that communication was an invention from God. Since I’m not into religion, I think that like the rest of what makes us human today, communication has over the millennia developed into us and luckily evolved to our benefit giving us that “glue” that brings us together and often time make us really “tight” with one another.

Sure, there’s good and bad or positive and negative communication. I’m interested in the communication that’s helpful to one another, not the one of the “fake news” type or that is calumnious or is meant to manipulate people and drive wedges between them. 

Just like breathing or muscle power, communication is a live matter that needs to be sought for, nurtured and used as frequently and as kindly as possible. It’s also the gift that keeps on giving. As we communicate, we learn more, we become more creative and we positively influence the folks we come in contact with. 

Not using communication enough isolates us from our human brethren, bringing and keeping all the focus we’re capable of on ourselves and pushing us into a narcissistic spiral. By using it just like we use our other bodily functions, it can get better, more adapted, stronger and much more effective. 

As long as it remains benevolent and if we let it grow, our ability to communicate, will become more powerful, influence more people, may even change society and move mountains. It’s never to late to embark on the communication spaceship; let’s have a conversation!

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