Saturday, July 15, 2023

Mogul skiers: a cheap way to train!

I recently came across of that video going back to 2009, from Jonny Moseley dryland training, I assume near his home in California. 

For those who don’t recall, Moseley is an American freestyle skier and television presenter. He is the first person born in Puerto Rico to become a member of the U.S. Ski Team. 

He is also known for hosting three seasons of MTV's The Challenge, among other reality shows. Jonny Moseley won an Olympic Gold Medal in moguls at Nagano in 1998, plus multiple wins on the freestyle tour. 

This video showed how the athlete used to train – I assume near his home – on a dirt slope that he constructed himself. Not very good for one’s knees perhaps, but a good simulation of a mogul run for sure. 

So if you are into competitive moguls, don’t have the money to travel to the southern hemisphere to fine tune your training, nothing prevents you from doing what Moseley apparently did in his own backyard! 

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