Sunday, July 9, 2023

My white cap…

A year or so ago, I found this beautiful white cap while walking around my neighborhood. At the time, I assumed it had fallen off a truck or some open vehicle. Since I thought it looked rather good, I have worn it from time to time since that time. 

I’ve also tried to decipher what was scribbled on it without much success and settled on some probable initials like NW. I even tried Google Lens, an app used to identify objects and it could only return that it might be a “William Murray golf hat” which of course wasn’t even close. 

That was until last night, during our after-dinner walk, when I happened to have that special white hat on. We came across a couple walking in the opposite side of the road towards us. We greeted each others and the man said “Where did you get that hat?” I answered “That’s a very long story…” which it truly was. 

The man replied: “That’s my company, ‘Mark Wintzer’ is the name!” I answered: “If is as stunning as the hat is, it must be a hell of a great company!”

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