Saturday, August 12, 2023

Is Trump today’s Al Capone?

Indeed, Donald Trump is a strange, if not repulsive character. He’s probably unlike any other political figure in the nation’s history. He shocked all of us and the political establishment when he became the first person without government or military experience and an ocean of negativity, ever to be elected president of the United States in 2016. 

His four-year tenure in the White House brought anger, dissatisfaction, division, incivility and uprising over the entire nation without adding one single positive element. So the question is, who made that man the way we see him now? 

His own dad and his business attorney Roy Cohn were both mean and unscrupulous people who taught Trump the worst “ropes” in the way he ought to do business. 

The dad, Fred Trump, was an early fan of Norman Vincent Peale, the famed New York City pastor and author of the mega-bestselling book, “The Power of Positive Thinking” and his simplistic views seduced both father and son making them believe that if you stick to any kind of belief it will and should absolutely come true.

Finally, in doing business in industries with strong mafia ties, like development, casinos, and real estate, a universe particularly infested with and influenced by organized crime he became a full member of this segment of society. 

What made Trump even more notable is that he sometimes appeared to do more business with the mafia than was strictly necessary and it trickled down to Donald Trump general management style, modus operandi and overall culture.

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