Saturday, August 5, 2023

Life after death and inventory control

My mom, who was a devout catholic was telling me that her greatest doubt with her faith had to do with the promise of eternal life and the reason behind keeping all of these many saved and damned soul into a form of “Eternal Storage”. 

She could not comprehend the practical reason for “moving inventory” of living people into some eternal warehouse, where no one would be productive at all, and didn’t see got point for that. Further, she was concerned that after a while there would be such a huge number of souls warehoused in hell or in paradise that it would overwhelm the space of available and the necessary accounting system. 

Sure, she was born long before computers even existed and while she passed at the same time the iPhone was launched, she had not seen the wonders and pitfalls of modern technology, so she was just applying her common sense to a prospect dangled in front of the faithful. 

She didn’t quite understand or appreciate the transactional promise of the Catholic Church and many other religions for that matter that said “I you behave well, if you build this cathedral, if you pay indulgences and are current with your tithing, you’ll get that reward in return guaranteed for eternity.” 

To her, there was a disconnect between the word of Christ and the mercantile as well as “too good to be true” promises and guarantees that were dangled in front of the faithfuls, to make them do as was expected of them. She didn’t get the manipulative side of most religions but was damned right in her analysis!

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