Tuesday, September 5, 2023

A very effective Trump technique…

Since he’s been running for president and got the job thanks in part to Putin, Trump has successfully demonstrated his bullying and nefarious techniques to whoever was interested in studying them. 

Besides applying Roy Cohn (his family’s attorney) doctrine that when someone hits you, you respond in kind but twice as hard. Trump was also under the spell of Norman Vincent Peale’s positive thinking theory which he equated to deadly stubbornness. 

Yet, Trump should be most remembered for accusing others of his own faults or worst intentions as a way to immunize himself for his own wrongdoing. People like him that accuse others of their own faults are often referred to as blamers or scapegoaters. 

They tend to blame others for their own guilt and shortcomings, often in a way to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This kind of tactic is also known as deflection. The act of blaming another person for your own mistakes or shortcomings rather than accepting the blame or criticism yourself . 

Try it, it works wonders! NO, I was just kidding, don’t lower yourselves to doing that...

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