Sunday, September 10, 2023

How to fund that extra trip?

A few nights ago we had the pleasure to have, let’s call him Art, for dinner. He was part of a tour going through the various national parks that are located all around Park City, and was making a stop with his fellow travelers in our town. 

Art lives in New Jersey, we had met on a vacation tour to Japan in 2018 and had stayed in touch with him since that time. Art is 82 but quite energetic and remains an avid globe-trotter. 

He had just returned from a tour in Iceland, and before he had time to unpack, he was solicited by his tour-operator to do one more tour starting and finishing in Denver and going through a bunch of National Parks including Arches, Tetons, Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore to list a few. 

At first, he wasn’t interested as he had used up his vacation budget for 2023, but as he was told that this particular tour would be taken out of the company’s calendar in 2024, he felt the urge to do it, no matter what. 

Since he had no more cash on hand there was a problem and in what could be seen as a desperate move to some, he decided to tap into the money he had set aside for his funeral to finance the trip! 

Something I can only see as creative, action-oriented and life-loving. For all of us, staying on the sidelines, an example to follow!

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