Thursday, September 14, 2023

The 2024 presidential election mess

No one wants Trump nor Biden as president in 2024. 

The first is too evil, the second way too old. Yet, if push comes to shove, I still believe Biden will reluctantly be reelected.

This is, unlike a third party candidate, as rumor has it, could possibly but unlikely get the job. On that point, while that option sounds terrible, it will likely be initiated by members of the Republican Party who might cut into Trump’s electorate more so than Biden’s. 

At any rate, I hate Joe Biden for not relinquishing a second term and passing the torch to a young, energetic and healthy candidate. 

His ego is worth much more to him than his capacity to serve the Nation and that’s a real shame. Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi and before them, Supreme Court’s judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg are playing the “I’m irreplaceable” game. 

This is horrible and this is hurting the Nation when it needs capable, young men and women like never before.

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