Sunday, December 31, 2023

Advancing through aging and accidents

On Friday, I stepped into my skis again, following a long hiatus since the accident that left me badly battered on December 18. 

My upper body still hurts, especially when I get off the bed in the morning and when I rotate laterally, but during the day hours and especially when I’m standing, I don’t feel a thing anymore. Returning to the slopes, created a fear of seeing my advancing age and another ski accident take another bit out of my ski proficiency. 

It also amplified the awareness of the remnant of my injury, particularly when I had to put on and take off my horribly stiff ski boots, carry my skis on my shoulder and do awkward movements that we end up doing when we ski, but nothing too bad or alarming happened.

I skied my usual ski slopes and found that their conditions had not improved a bit over my eleven days absence, I should say they had worsened some more and the December afternoon shade didn’t help either nor did the deteriorating conditions of my “rock ski”. 

That said, I made it safely back home and am now ready for much. I just need to remember “quality over quantity...”

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