Monday, December 18, 2023

Balancing joy of skiing with horror of Ukraine and Gaza

I love to ski and while I enjoy my favorite sport, I can always be critical of a host of things that I don’t like, such as this season’s lack of snow, the lack of early preparation by the resort and the very limited terrain opened. 

Yet, at the same time, I remind myself that my first-world concerns are nothing in comparison with what goes on today in places like Ukraine and Gaza, and I found the whole premise quite challenging mentally, as it involves navigating between personal enjoyment and planetary concerns. 

I certainly try to recognize that it's okay to experience joy while being empathetic towards global issues and that practicing my favorite sport doesn't diminish my concerns for world events and my awareness of international issues. Obviously, the next question that comes to mind is “What can I do?” 

Beside supporting organizations working towards peace and humanitarian aid, I must also make pleas directed towards my political leaders of all stripes. Knowing this, we can help to affect the situation ever so slightly and alleviate a bit our feelings of helplessness. 

While staying informed is essential, excessive exposure to distressing news can be destructive and we ought to set boundaries on our media consumption to prevent it from totally depressing us. Likewise, we should try to seek the company of people who share similar concerns and values. 

We should also seek quality and objective information to better understand the reasons behind these bloody conflicts, so we’re ready to discuss them with others who understand and appreciate the need for balance and reason. 

Finally, this is our opportunity to take time each day to reflect and appreciate the positive aspects of our lives, including the activities that bring us joy. 

If you happen to have more good ideas on the subject, please, share them!

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